Uses of Class

Packages that use Computation.Config
org.formulacompiler.compiler Contains the public compile-time API of AFC's core functional model compiler. 
org.formulacompiler.runtime Contains the public run-time API of AFC. 
org.formulacompiler.spreadsheet Contains the public compile-time API of AFC's spreadsheet compiler, which extends the core functional model compiler. 

Uses of Computation.Config in org.formulacompiler.compiler

Methods in org.formulacompiler.compiler with parameters of type Computation.Config
 java.lang.Number NumericType.valueOf(java.lang.String _value, Computation.Config _config)
          Parses a string into a value using the given environment config.
 java.lang.String NumericType.valueToConciseString(java.lang.Number _value, Computation.Config _config)
          Returns the value as a string with no superfluous leading or trailing zeroes and decimal point using the given environment config.
 java.lang.String NumericType.valueToString(java.lang.Number _value, Computation.Config _config)
          Returns the value as a string in its canonical representation using the given environment config.

Uses of Computation.Config in org.formulacompiler.runtime

Methods in org.formulacompiler.runtime with parameters of type Computation.Config
 ComputationFactory Engine.getComputationFactory(Computation.Config _cfg)
          Returns a factory with explicit computation environment configuration for computations implemented by this engine.

Uses of Computation.Config in org.formulacompiler.spreadsheet

Fields in org.formulacompiler.spreadsheet declared as Computation.Config
 Computation.Config SpreadsheetBinder.Config.compileTimeConfig
          The compile-time configuration to use; may be left null.

Methods in org.formulacompiler.spreadsheet that return Computation.Config
 Computation.Config EngineBuilder.getCompileTimeConfig()
          Let's you control the compile-time locale and timezone configuration by setting fields of the returned object.

Methods in org.formulacompiler.spreadsheet with parameters of type Computation.Config
 void EngineBuilder.setCompileTimeConfig(Computation.Config _value)
          Let's you replace the entire compile-time configuration in one go.