Uses of Class

Packages that use CompilerException
org.formulacompiler.compiler Contains the public compile-time API of AFC's core functional model compiler. 
org.formulacompiler.spreadsheet Contains the public compile-time API of AFC's spreadsheet compiler, which extends the core functional model compiler. 

Uses of CompilerException in org.formulacompiler.compiler

Subclasses of CompilerException in org.formulacompiler.compiler
static class CompilerException.ConstructorMissing
          You specified a factory or output class with no suitable constructor for AFC to call.
static class CompilerException.DataTypeError
          You attempted to combine incompatible types in an expression; or you attempted to use an expression which type cannot be determined.
static class CompilerException.DuplicateDefinition
          You attempted to define an element twice.
static class CompilerException.FactoryMethodMissing
          You specified a factory type with no suitable factory method.
static class CompilerException.MethodNotImplemented
          You did not bind all of the abstract methods of the output type to cells.
static class CompilerException.ParallelVectorsSpanDifferentSubSections
          You aggregated two parallel vectors (using COVAR, for example), but they cross different subsections, or cross them differently.
static class CompilerException.ReferenceToArrayNotAggregated
          An expression references an array (range) without aggregating it.
static class CompilerException.ReferenceToInnerCellNotAggregated
          An outer cell references an inner cell of a section without aggregating it.
static class CompilerException.ReferenceToOuterInnerCell
          A cell references another cell which is itside the first cell's section, but contained within a sibling subsection of their common parent section.
static class CompilerException.SectionOrientation
          The aggregator function you used does not support repeating sections of the given orientation.
static class CompilerException.UnsupportedDataType
          You attempted to bind a spreadsheet cell to a method with an unsupported return type, or an unsupported parameter type; or you attempted to compile a spreadsheet with an unsupported constant value in a cell referenced by the computation.
static class CompilerException.UnsupportedExpression
          You attempted to compile a spreadsheet containing an unsupported expression.
static class CompilerException.UnsupportedExpressionSource
          The formula you tried to parse contains an error or an unsupported element.
static class CompilerException.UnsupportedOperator
          You attempted to compile a spreadsheet containing an expression with an unsupported operator.

Uses of CompilerException in org.formulacompiler.spreadsheet

Subclasses of CompilerException in org.formulacompiler.spreadsheet
 class SpreadsheetException
          Base class for all spreadsheet-related errors thrown by AFC.
static class SpreadsheetException.CellRangeNotUniDimensional
          When a formula gives a range name in a place where a single cell is expected, then the range must be unidimensional.
static class SpreadsheetException.LoadError
          An internal spreadsheet model could not be saved.
static class SpreadsheetException.NotInSection
          You attempted to define an input or output cell or range within a section, but the cell or range is not fully contained with said section.
static class SpreadsheetException.SaveError
          An internal spreadsheet model could not be saved.
static class SpreadsheetException.SectionExtentNotCovered
          You are compiling a spreadsheet with an aggregate function over a range that overlaps, but does not exactly match the variable extent of a section.
static class SpreadsheetException.SectionOverlap
          You attempted to define a section that overlaps another.
static class SpreadsheetException.SectionSpan
          You attempted to aggregate a range that spans cells and/or subsections in an unsupported way.
static class SpreadsheetException.UnsupportedExpression
          A cell formula contains a parsing error.
static class SpreadsheetException.UnsupportedFormat
          A unsupported spreadsheet file format extension was encountered.

Methods in org.formulacompiler.spreadsheet that throw CompilerException
 void EngineBuilder.bindAllByName()
          Uses reflection to bind all named cells in the spreadsheet to corresponding methods on the input and output types.
 void EngineBuilder.bindAllByName(java.lang.String _inputPrefix, java.lang.String _outputPrefix)
          Uses reflection to bind all named cells in the spreadsheet to corresponding methods on the input and output types, provided the cell names have the specified prefixes.
 void SpreadsheetByNameBinder.CellBinder.bindAllMethodsToNamedCells()
          Binds all abstract methods to cells of the corresponding name (that is, methods called xy() need a cell called "XY", methods called getXy() need a cell called either "XY" or "GETXY").
 void SpreadsheetByNameBinder.CellBinder.bindAllMethodsToPrefixedNamedCells(java.lang.String _prefix)
          Binds all abstract methods to cells of the corresponding name.
 void SpreadsheetByNameBinder.CellBinder.bindAllNamedCellsToMethods()
          Binds all still unbound named cells to methods of the corresponding name (that is, a cell named "XY" must have a method named either xy() or getXy()).
 void SpreadsheetByNameBinder.CellBinder.bindAllPrefixedNamedCellsToMethods(java.lang.String _prefix)
          Binds all still unbound named cells with a given name prefix to methods of the corresponding name.
 SaveableEngine SpreadsheetToEngineCompiler.compile()
          Compiles the engine.
 SaveableEngine EngineBuilder.compile()
          Compiles an executable computation engine from the inputs to this builder.
static SaveableEngine SpreadsheetCompiler.compileEngine(SpreadsheetBinding _binding, NumericType _numericType, boolean _fullCaching)
          Same as SpreadsheetCompiler.compileEngine(SpreadsheetBinding, NumericType, Class, Method, boolean), leaving the factory class and method unspecified.
static SaveableEngine SpreadsheetCompiler.compileEngine(SpreadsheetBinding _binding, NumericType _numericType, java.lang.Class _factoryClass, java.lang.reflect.Method _factoryMethod, boolean _fullCaching)
          Returns a new instance of a spreadsheet compiler, which is used to compile a spreadsheet representation, together with a binding associating cells with input and output methods, to an excecutable computation engine.
 void SpreadsheetBinder.Section.defineInputCell(Spreadsheet.Cell _cell, CallFrame _callChainToCall)
          Marks a given spreadsheet cell as a variable input to the constructed engine and binds it to the given method call chain.
 void SpreadsheetBinder.Section.defineInputCell(Spreadsheet.Cell _cell, java.lang.reflect.Method _methodToCall, java.lang.Object... _args)
          Like SpreadsheetBinder.Section.defineInputCell(org.formulacompiler.spreadsheet.Spreadsheet.Cell, CallFrame), but constructs the CallFrame directly.
 void SpreadsheetBinder.Section.defineInputCell(Spreadsheet.Cell _cell, java.lang.String _nameOfMethodToCall)
          Like SpreadsheetBinder.Section.defineInputCell(org.formulacompiler.spreadsheet.Spreadsheet.Cell, CallFrame), but constructs the CallFrame directly from a method looked up by name on SpreadsheetBinder.Section.getInputClass().
 void SpreadsheetBinder.Section.defineOutputCell(Spreadsheet.Cell _cell, CallFrame _callToImplement)
          Marks a given spreadsheet cell as a computable output of the constructed engine and binds it to the given call.
 void SpreadsheetBinder.Section.defineOutputCell(Spreadsheet.Cell _cell, java.lang.reflect.Method _methodToImplement, java.lang.Object... _args)
          Like SpreadsheetBinder.Section.defineOutputCell(org.formulacompiler.spreadsheet.Spreadsheet.Cell, CallFrame), but constructs the CallFrame directly.
 void SpreadsheetBinder.Section.defineOutputCell(Spreadsheet.Cell _cell, java.lang.String _nameOfMethodToImplement)
          Like SpreadsheetBinder.Section.defineOutputCell(org.formulacompiler.spreadsheet.Spreadsheet.Cell, CallFrame), but constructs the CallFrame directly from a method looked up by name on SpreadsheetBinder.Section.getOutputClass().
 SpreadsheetBinder.Section SpreadsheetBinder.Section.defineRepeatingSection(Spreadsheet.Range _range, Orientation _orientation, CallFrame _inputCallChainReturningIterable, java.lang.Class _inputClass, CallFrame _outputCallReturningIterableToImplement, java.lang.Class _outputClass)
          Defines a range in the spreadsheet as a section of similar, repeating rows (or columns).
 SpreadsheetBinder.Section SpreadsheetBinder.Section.defineRepeatingSection(Spreadsheet.Range _range, Orientation _orientation, java.lang.reflect.Method _inputMethodReturningIterable, java.lang.Class _inputClass, java.lang.reflect.Method _outputMethodReturningIterableToImplement, java.lang.Class _outputClass)
          Like SpreadsheetBinder.Section.defineRepeatingSection(org.formulacompiler.spreadsheet.Spreadsheet.Range, Orientation, CallFrame, Class, CallFrame, Class), but constructs the CallFrame instances directly.
 SpreadsheetBinder.Section SpreadsheetBinder.Section.defineRepeatingSection(Spreadsheet.Range _range, Orientation _orientation, java.lang.String _nameOfInputMethodReturningIterable, java.lang.Class _inputClass, java.lang.String _nameOfOutputMethodReturningIterableToImplement, java.lang.Class _outputClass)
          Like SpreadsheetBinder.Section.defineRepeatingSection(org.formulacompiler.spreadsheet.Spreadsheet.Range, Orientation, CallFrame, Class, CallFrame, Class), but constructs the CallFrame instances directly.
 void EngineBuilder.failIfByNameBindingLeftNamedCellsUnbound()
          Raises an exception if there are named cells that were not bound.
 void EngineBuilder.failIfByNameBindingLeftNamedCellsUnbound(java.lang.String _inputPrefix, java.lang.String _outputPrefix)
          Raises an exception if there are named cells with one of the given prefixes that were not bound.
 void SpreadsheetByNameBinder.CellBinder.failIfCellNamesAreStillUnbound(java.lang.String _prefix)
          Raises an exception if there are named cells with the given prefix that were not bound to the type (input/output) of this cell binder.
 SpreadsheetBinding SpreadsheetBinder.getBinding()
          Finalizes and returns the binding built by this class.
 SpreadsheetByNameBinder EngineBuilder.getByNameBinder()
          Returns the SpreadsheetByNameBinder used by this engine builder to associate cells with Java methods.
 SpreadsheetBinder.Section EngineBuilder.getRootBinder()
          Returns the root of the SpreadsheetBinder used by this engine builder to associate cells with Java methods.